The Apple of God's Macro Eye

The beauty of macro photography lies in the power to display the great dimensions of small, often neglected, things. It intentionally directs attention to small "unimportant", often overlooked objects such as teeny weeny wild flowers on the ground.

To the eyes of a macro photographer, the small, insignificant, overlooked wild flower is worth a frame of its own. It is precious. If given attention, its beauty rivals that of roses and orchids. The beauty of such small flower cannot be fully appreciated with the naked eye. The photographer will need to bend low and get his elbows and knees dirty to take the shot.

In God's macro eyes I am not small. In God's macro eyes I am not insignificant. In God's macro eyes I will never be overlooked. God bended low and more than dirtied his knees and elbows in the form of Jesus Christ. I am "the apple of His eye" (Psalm 17:8). God's macro eyes tell me I am precious. He pays attention. I am the apple of His eye.

You are the apple of God's eye. Open your eyes and see yourself through the perfect lens of the One Who perfectly loves you.  He will pay full attention.  He will treat you like you are the only living person in the world.  You are the apple of His eye.
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